09 June
Every November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. This is time for us, as the year draws to an end and the Christmas season begins, to close the year by thanking God for the good things he has done for us in the past year and the blessings we have received.
Last week I celebrated Thanksgiving with my wife and children and granddaughter. I was thankful for many things.
And one of the things I gave thanks for is YOU and your prayers and gifts to the Biblical Institute. I gave thanks for you by name.
Because in Croatia, where 99% of the people do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, YOU HAVE MADE JESUS KNOWN by partnering with us to prepare servant leaders, provide reliable Christian resources, and promote cooperation between churches.
Here is what you have accomplished.
- You enabled us to earn accreditation with the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education. This multiplies the impact of our classes, and opens many doors for partnerships and collaboration that will bless the Croatian churches for decades.
- You opened doors for us to teach 110 individuals–that’s the number of people who attended at least one class with us this year–in five locations, including a new international location. In 2022 we taught in Zagreb (2 locations), Dubrava (a suburb of Zagreb), Šibenik (on the Adriatic coast), and Sarajevo (the capital of Bosnia & Herzegovina.)
- You gave more than $140,000 (so far) to support Ukrainian refugees in Zagreb. Through designated gifts, given through the Institute, you clothed and fed and housed 30 Ukrainians, including 20 children, in partnership with the Kušlanova church, Nešto Više! (“Something Else!”, a ministry that focuses on youth).
- You enabled our ministry professor, Danijel Časni, to earn his Ph.D. Today, our entire full-time faculty holds doctoral degrees. Thanks to you, we are the most highly-qualified religion faculty in all of Croatia.
- You provided reliable Christian resources to Croatian preachers, teachers, and Bible students. This year, the Institute will publish eight books. And our theological journal Kairos already has over 170,000 downloads this year. You made that happen!
You made these things happen in 2022!
What does 2023 hold? We expect:
- To offer more classes in Zagreb and Dubrava and beyond.
- To teach and train more students, so that they will have an even greater impact on their churches, families,workplaces, and neighborhoods.
- To expand our footprint in Sarajevo, potentially reaching into Serbia as well.
- To publish even more helpful resources in Croatian for Bible study & Bible teaching.
- To improve disciplemaking methods and resources for the Croatian churches.
God has called us to help the churches in Croatia thrive and grow. You have worked with us, side-by-side, in making that happen.
As you consider how you can help make that happen again in 2023, please prayerfully consider giving a special end of year (or beginning of year!) financial gift.
As our footprint expands with increasing impact, as Croatia and eastern Europe endure these times of war and economic uncertainty, we know that our costs are rising. Every extra dollar that you can give helps us “consider the cost” of the work God has called us to do.
So: Merry Christmas, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with football and food and family. May God bless you and yours richly this season.
With gratitude
P.S. Let me add a specific request.
All things included, it costs us $4,000 to educate one student for one year. Because of the Croatian economy and low wages, 95% of that amount comes from our supporters in the USA.
You can increase the impact you are having in the lives of young Christian leaders AND the lives of the hundreds of people that he or she will impact for Christ.
- Would you commit to sponsoring a student for a year ($4,000 over 12 months, $330 per month)?
- Or or a semester ($2,000, or $166.67 per month)?
- For a class ($675, or $57 per month)?
If these amounts are beyond your capacity, perhaps you can join with a group of your Christian friends, members of your Bible study or Sunday School class, to do this?
Remember, God has used and will continue to use your generosity to change lives in former Communist Europe. And we regularly give thanks to him for you & your gift.