09 June
“Excel in this Grace of Giving”
“Since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” (2 Corinthians 8.7)
I want to update you on your support for refugees from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began one year ago this week.
For the past year, you (supporters of the Biblical Institute) have provided housing and care for between 20 and 25 of the Ukrainian refugees who have settled in Zagreb. The number has fluctuated; one of the families left and returned to Ukraine, although (given the situation there) it is always possible that they will need to return to Zagreb.
The orphans and their caregivers continue to live outside of Zagreb in a house that we rented for them. The children continue to adjust to life here; schools, soccer practice and piano lessons, doctors appointments, playing in the neighborhood, learning Croatian, etc.– all the normal activities in the lives of children. Because of your support, they are living out somewhat normal lives, normalcy that would not be available to them in Ukraine right now.
The orphans now have support from other sources, and our financial commitment to them going forward is minimal. We currently provide an apartment for one of the caregivers; the rest of this group’s support now comes from other sources.
This leaves us as the primary providers for two other households, both made up of mothers with small children whose husbands work hazardous civilian jobs in Ukraine. We provide apartments and financial support for these two households, in addition to the apartment for the caregiver mentioned above.
The husbands are able to provide some support for their families from their Ukrainian salaries, but 75% of the support for these households comes from your gifts. The women are willing to work, but do not speak Croatian and have small children they are raising alone in their husbands’ absence. Some of the children have health difficulties. Children and mothers are all traumatized by the destruction of their homes and homeland and their fears for their husbands/fathers.
They long for home, but there seems to be no prospect for the war ending any time soon.
So we are looking toward the future and how we might continue to be Jesus’ hands and feet for them. The money we have on hand is enough to support these households through August, and to renew their apartment leases through March 2024. The support for these women and their families requires about $3,200 per month.
If you are able to give, and if God puts it on your heart, please go to www.cecef.net and donate there to support the Ukrainian refugees in Zagreb. The “Donate” button takes you to our giving page. Under “My donation is for:”, choose “Ukrainian refugees in Croatia”.
As Paul says, “You have excelled in generosity.” Please continue to excel in this beautiful way.